Sleep well

Now that we are all at home, we try to get used to the Corona-lockdown. Sometimes it works out just fine, the sun shines & the blossom blooms. But sometimes you get annoyed by the imposed restrictions or the noise that children or other housemates make. If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, you can get completely stressed!


You lie restlessly in your bed because of all kinds of disturbing sounds. Snoring partner, humming household appliances or non-stop city noises. Foam or wax earplugs often irritate.

Earproof has a “full block” sleep earplug that protects against external noise while providing maximum comfort. Our sleep earplug is made of medical TPE and is therefore soft and comfortable to use. The earplugs are available in different sizes (S, M, L, XL) so there is always a perfectly fitting earplug! The sleep earplugs come in a container where you can store them.

Safe surfing

Covid-19 is unfortunately still in the air, but so is spring! In the spring you want to go outside, for surf enthusiasts, the surf season starts with spring! Most surfers know that a set of earplugs to protect your ears is a must. Surf earplugs protect your ears from cold wind and water and prevent a common condition: Surfer’s ear.

At Earproof you can choose from two types of surf earplugs: a generic Surf earplug with 20db attenuation and a custom made Surf earplug with 5db or 20db attenuation. Both types of earplugs offer optimal protection against the cold waves and the bleak wind.

Earproof Surfer earplugs Surfing is a great sport. To surf as long and safe as possible, it is wise to wear Earproof Surfer earplugs. These earplugs come with 20db filters, which protect against water, wind, and loud sounds of big waves. You can also use them for hearing protection during a concert or festival!

Earproof Surfer custom earplugs Are earplugs that cover your ear canal and part of the auricle especially for surfers to protect the ears from water and the overwhelming sound of wind and waves, they come with 5db or 20db filter. The 5db filters take away the wind and pressure of the waves and allow you to communicate with other surfers. The 20db filters take the wind and pressure from the waves away and you can also wear them as hearing protection at a festival or concert. The Earproof Surfer is made of a special soft material that is comfortable to wear, floats on the water and includes a fixed cord.


With Corona, hygiene is one of the most important things we should all keep in mind. It can make a difference whether someone gets sick yes or no. At Earproof, hygiene is always “on-top-of-mind”, before someone gets custom fitted earplugs, we have always cleaned our hands with a professional hand gel. At festivals, our entire crew does this before anyone gets generic earplugs adjusted to the correct size.


New: Earproof COVID-19 Hygiene shop

Otavita® is the brand of professional handgel that we have been working with for years and is now included in our range. Hygienic hand washing is now possible for everyone according to DIN 1499 without water. The hand gel is not only antibacterial, but also effective against enveloped viruses (such as SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19). Shop OtoVita® Professional Handgel.

In addition, you will find disinfectant wipes for cleaning your earplugs and cleaning spray for disinfecting your workplace, both from the Otavita® brand in the Earproof COVID-19 hygiëne shop

And off course we offer facemasks. The face masks comply with EU standard FFP2 and are suitable for wearing on public transport, shops, other public areas & at work. From 1 June, face masks are mandatory in public transport.  

Sharpened hygiene-measurements at Earproof

Earproof will start measuring custom earplugs again. We observe the following hygiene measures for this: from now on we work with gloves on and a facemask on. It goes without saying that all our measuring equipment is cleaned with disinfectant wipes before and after fitting and the workplace with Otavita® cleaning spray.

We can be reached between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on +31 (0) 10 261 4038 to make an appointment and to provide information about our new hygiene products. We look forward to hearing from you!