
The Origins of Earproof

Pioneering Ear Safety in the Music Industry.

by Peter van Galen, Founder, Earproof

As Earproof marks its 20th anniversary, it’s an opportune moment to look back at the path we’ve traveled. The origins of Earproof in 2003 weren’t just the start of a company but the beginning of a revolution in ear safety for musicians and concert attendees.

Explore our innovative products.

The Genesis of a Sound Revolution

Our journey started with a challenge. The earplugs available back then were far from ideal – they were uncomfortable and did little to cater to the acoustic needs of the music industry. This led to a crucial question: How do we safeguard our hearing without sacrificing sound quality?

This question became our mission, especially when we uncovered unsettling facts in the in-ear monitor market – expensive products made with cheap components. It was clear; our industry needed better, and we were determined to provide it.

Check out our latest earplug technology.

Earproof: The Name That Changed Everything

Our search for the perfect brand name was meticulous and thoughtful. Learning the concept of ‘soundproofing’ applied to the music studio, we landed on ‘Earproof.’ It was perfect – clear, direct, and embodied our mission. We established Earproof in 2004, and it has since become synonymous with quality sound protection.

Breaking Taboos, Building Futures

Around the same time, we experienced the shocking realization that expensive in-ear monitors for artists like Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber were made with cheap components. Our mission had and still has two critical components: shattering the stigma around hearing damage and providing high-quality sound through our products. Looking back over the past 20 years, we’re proud to say that Earproof has not only achieved these objectives but continues to innovate in the realm of sound safety.

Special 20th Anniversary Offer

As we celebrate this milestone, we’re excited to offer you a special deal. Enjoy 20% off across our website! Use the code 20YEARSOFSOUND at checkout to claim your discount.

Offer available until the 20th of January.

Thank You for Being Part of Earproof

We’re deeply grateful to you, our community, for joining us on this incredible journey. Here’s to continuing our commitment to safe, high-quality sound experiences for many more years to come!

Peter van Galen CEO EARPROOF Picture

Peter van Galen

Founder & CEO, Earproof.

Stay Tuned with Earproof

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Decibels at Giraffe Coffee Roasters

We met Michael van der Beijl from Giraffe Coffee Roasters. On a sunny day he was delivering coffee at Groothandelsgebouw Rotterdam.

After his tour, he stepped into the Earproof office to talk about decibels at Giraffe Coffee Roasters and earplugs.

At Giraffe Coffee Roasters, it smells fantastic, but they make a lot of noise… so many decibels that Micheal and his team’s hearing can be damaged.

Together with Peter from Earproof, we went looking for the best earplugs. Michael tested a few different types of filters and opted for an earplug with a 20db attenuation. With Earproof Earplugs, Michael protects his ears optimally, but most importantly, he can still communicate with his colleagues.

Check out Michael roasting coffee at .

Now, all staff at Giraffe Coffee Roasters protect their ears with Earproof earplugs. Ideal at work for high decibels but also for concert or festival

Depending on the loud sounds, duration of exposure, type of music, and other factors, we recommend damping between 15 and 25 dB.
Read our blog post on choosing the right attenuation.

In our webshop, you will find all types and sizes of earplugs.
In loud environments and amplified music events, we recommend our bestseller, the Earproof Dance 20db.

Contact our experts via Mail for personal advice.

The Surfoloog: “The Best Earplugs for Surfers”

Ronald the Surfoloog about the Earproof Earplugs for Surfers:

“Man, they are expensive, but they are really fantastic. To have these custom made you have to drop by in Rotterdam. That is also the reason why they are relatively expensive. It takes quite a bit of craftsmanship to make a good mold. and then have it made into a cap.”

“I can say with certainty that this is my favorite surfing earplug of the moment.”


Earproof Surfers are earplugs that cover your ear canal and part of the auricle, especially for surfers, to protect the ears against water and the overwhelming sound of wind and waves.

With these custom-made earplugs, you can choose 5dB or 20dB filters. The 5db filters remove the wind and the pressure of the waves and ensure that you can communicate more easily with other surfers. The 20db filters take away the wind and the pressure of the waves, and you can even wear them as hearing protection at festivals and concerts.

The Earproof Surfer is made of a special soft material that is comfortable to wear, floats on the water, and includes a fixed cord.

How to Choose Your Perfect Music Filters

At Earproof, every sound matters, from the deep bass of an underground club to the acoustic strums of a cozy jazz café. With our range of music filters offering attenuation from a gentle 10dB to a powerful 25dB, finding your perfect sound setting has never been more exciting.

Personalize Your Sound: The Right Attenuation for Every Beat

Choosing your Earproof filter is like curating your personal sound experience. Whether you’re grooving at a jazz bar or jumping to the beats of a rock concert, the difference in just 5dB can transform your auditory experience. Your hearing preferences, along with your favorite music genres and lifestyle, guide you to your ideal sound setting.

More Than Protection: A New Way to Experience Music

Earproof filters are about enriching your listening experience. These aren’t just earplugs; they’re your personal sound enhancers. By reducing ear-drum pressure, they allow you to hear music with more depth and clarity, from the subtle notes of a folk song to the dynamic range of hip-hop.

Stay Energized, Stay Connected

In the midst of sound and fury, Earproof earplugs help preserve your energy. By managing sound levels in loud environments, they enable you to keep your focus and enjoy longer sessions of music, work, or socializing without the usual sensory overload.

Meet the Versatile Heroes: 10, 15, 20, and 25dB Music Filters

Each filter in the Earproof lineup has a story to tell, a role to play in your auditory journey. They’re designed to match your dynamic lifestyle, from chilled-out indie gigs to exhilarating festival nights.

Sound Tailored to Your Life

Your filter choice should reflect the soundtrack of your life. Think about the varying soundscapes you inhabit – we have music filters for every occasion, every genre, every moment. And if your sound needs are as varied as your playlist, why not have a couple of filters on hand? Swap them out as easily as you switch between songs.

Experience the Difference in Person

If you’re still pondering over the perfect music filters, why not experience them firsthand? Contact us, or better still, book an appointment for a live demo. Feel the music with each filter and find your match.

Read more on How loud is too loud.

10dB Music Filters 


  • Listening to acoustic music without concessions on audio quality
  • Background noise, where you want to have some attenuation while talking and listening, is your main activity (restaurant, bar, meetings…)
  • For people with sensitive hearing


  • Acoustic musicians and vocalists, teachers

jobs like

  • Teachers, for example indoor sports, dentists, flight attendants


  • Acoustic performances, a restaurant with very bad acoustic, theater or cinema


  • Takes down approximately 10dB of the original sound
  • 10db is not enough to be certified as hearing protection!

15dB Music Filters  


  • For amplified sound environments where you also want to communicate


  • DJ’s who preform 2-3 hours and need to be aware of the sound pressure
  • For onstage playing with your amplified instrument in a band

jobs like

  • Production professionals who use a walkie-talkie for communication


  • Concert, theater or cinema with amplified sounds


  • Reduces approximately 15dB of the original sound
  • The minimum hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period of 2-3 hours

  • Mainly in the back of a venue or relatively far from the music installations. or an outdoor event

20dB Music Filters  


  • Most used protection for loud music, hearing people is still possible but talking gets more difficult from this attenuation and upwards


  • For drummers, dancers and other live performing artists who are used to wear hearing-protection


  • Dancing a whole night on dance music, listening to many performances a day on a festival


  • Reduces approximately 20dB of the original sound
  • Standard hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period of max 5-6 hours

  • Mainly in the middle of a venue or to the music installations

25dB Music Filters  


  • This attenuation gives you maximal protection with an optimal audio experience.
  • The best option for people with damaged ears like tinnitus

jobs like

  • Production workers and HORECA staff who need to be concentrated over the whole evening
  • Painters, builders, and other professionals who are exposed to loud sounds daily will maintain their hearing over the years, and they are still able to hear the radio transmissions.


  • Front row ravers, concerts of heavy metal & hardstyle


  • Reduces approximately 25dB of the original sound
  • High hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period up to 8 hours

  • The best protection is if you’re standing near the sound system. Or small venues with poor music installations

5 reasons why you should protect your ears with earplugs

We give you 5 reasons why you should protect your ears with earplugs.

  1. Tinnitus! This will disrupt your daily life. Constant ringing in your ears that won’t go away. Trust me, you’re not waiting for that.
  2. Music sounds better and you get used to the earplugs. Truly, once you’ve got the right earplugs, music sounds purer and you can enjoy it longer, without irritations or worries.
  3. Nowadays good quality earplugs are not super expensive and if you take care of your earplugs, you can even use them for years.
  4. With the keychain container you attach them to your keys and will have them with you, always! It has never been so easy to protect your ears properly.
  5. What did she say? I can’t hear her! Don’t be this person. If you keep ignoring your ear irritations, with time you will become more and more deaf. You’ll be that person in the room always talking super loud. Who wants to be that person right?

Loud noises can cause hearing problems, starting with ringing ears and tinnitus. After a nice evening with a lot of loud music, dancing and chatter, the next morning you can experience ‘ringing ears’. The more this happens, the more you’re at risk that this ringing will stay. This is the first stage of tinnitus. And this can go on and worsen, until you have proper hearing damage. Moreover, ongoing noise can cause stress, which is bad for your health and loud noise can elevate adrenaline levels, álso bad for your health. Tinnitus can cause extreme distress, poor concentration, sleeping problems… I can keep going. Do you need more reasons to protect your ears?

Don’t be that dumbass and get those earplugs!