
We’re over the moon: 5 star reviews for Earproof earplugs from Gearslutz :-)

Gearslutz, the number 1 website for professionals in the audio business, reviewed 3 different Earproof products. The Rockit, the Earproof Concert 15db and our PRO filters Platinum 15db. Each received an overall score of 5 starts (out of 5). Read more about the reviews in this blog.

Gearslutz on the Earproof Rockit: “Very good for this price and a marked improvement over standard earplugs.”

  • Attenuate -15 dB whilst maintaining linearity rather than muffling as a standard earplug would do
  • High-quality device and well-designed
  • Bit fiddly but manageable. Getting a good air seal is key to success.
  • Super-easy to use (squeeze the foam/insert).
  • Comfortable to use to the point of becoming unnoticeable
  • In terms of recyclability the Rockit offers much more than single-use and is certainly less costly than treating ear damage

Read the full Earproof Rockit review on Gearslutz.

Gearslutz on the Earproof Concert: “Polaroid sunglasses for the ears. The vision (music) is more coherent, has less glare; colours and contrast are more discernible.

  • A great investment in your ears and future hearing
  • Not just about preventing damage but also making music more enjoyable in difficult environments.
  • Membrane design lets the ear ‘breathe’ and reduces heat build-up
  • The attenuation overrides the instinctive Lombard Effect. You’ll be less wrinkly-looking from grimacing and shouting
  • Medical-grade TPE and high-quality and well-designed components
  • Need to estimate ear size correctly. Comfortable for long use. Discrete.
  • Easy to clean and store but perhaps important to remember which earplug is used for each ear
  • Handy container

Read the full Earproof Concert 15db review on Gearslutz.

Gearslutz on the PRO filters Platinum 15db: “Protects hearing and improves performance in high SPL.”

  • Quite a mature technology and the design and materials assist in keeping a balanced sound image with attenuation but without an uneven frequency response.
  • The ear’s natural defences from loud sound are not as active. The high SPL experience is closer to regular perception of a lower-level reference sound.
  • Reduce Acoustic Reflex – the unconscious mechanism by which the human body protects the ears
  • ‘Vacuum seal’ design counteracts the Occlusion Effect
  • Good, simple design that works with both the ear and the sound.
  • The sonic differences between the Rockit, Concert, and PRO are reflected in their prices 

Read the full Earproof PRO filter Platinum 15db review on Gearslutz.

Our mission #save10millionears in 2019

Our mission #save10millionears is vibrant and slowly within reach. We have great new insights. More and more people buy better earplugs with musicfilters, and the demand for professional quality or custum made earplugs is growing. But still a large number of partygoers really think that you should start protecting yours ears after you hear beep.

In 2018 @Roskilde we introduced the Earproof Rockit, an entry level earplug at loney heights and 2019 was Earproof’s first time @Sziget. And Earproof music filters have reached an audio quality level which is insane accurate. 

Last year earproof reached approximately 3 million people all over Europe with our message to protect your ears and we saved the ears of about 150K fans & new friends.

After 16 years of pioneering I believe this decade will be the breakthrough for earplugs. The audio quality is no longer an issue. Still our products and services will develop due to our constant drive to improve. New things to come: eco friendly packaging, a broader assortment of Earproof products, new events and new artists.

Hope to meet again in 2020 via our socials or at one of the many festivals and venues where supreme Earproof earplugs are offered.

Peter van Galen

A cup of coffee?…..while asking about your ears? Off Course!

In our unique office at Groothandelsgebouw right next to Rotterdam Central station you can feel free to walk in with a question about hearing protection.

When it comes to ears, people often like personal advice. With great regularity we have Codarts students or teachers, DJ’s, surfers and children in our office. Sometimes with ear complaints but mostly with questions on how to protect their ears from music and other loud noises.  At Earproof they are heard! Because we already work in the bussiness of ears for 16 years and only offer the highest quality earplugs for each price level.

We are expanding our  opening hours to Friday evening untill 20u and Saturday afternoon from 12-16u.


Visit the Earproof office for:

> all your questions on types of hearing protection

> to find out what size (S, M, L, XL) earplugs fits you best

> to test different attenuation filters (from 10 to 25db)

> a free consult (otoplastic inspection)  

> measuring your ears for custom made earplugs

 > a cup of coffee


To visit us take the main entrance at Groothandelsgebouw, walk straight through the revolving door outside again and you will see the glass cubical office with the Earproof logo in front of you. Stationsplein 45 unit E0.174.01.

Call us at +31 (0)10 26 14 038 or sent an e-mail

Welcome to the week off the ringing ears

r a person like myself who suffers a tinnitus injury every day of the week its there. But I’m happy that stichting Hoormij creates awareness on ringing ears. A tinnitus is a constant sound in your head which is very present.  It’s day in and day out trying to cope with this mostly stressful handicap.

Some shocking figures from the “Week van het Oorsuizen” campaign are:

  • More than 1 milion Dutch people are bothered with a noise, beep, hum, whistle

  • This number is growing, especially among young people

  • This is often due to listening to loud music, going out and festivals

In this “Week van het Oorsuizen” Earproof would like to point out the importance of proper hearing protection. Earplugs that are comfortable, have the correct filter (depending on the usage). Some of our products are:

Safely attend a concert of 103dB with earplugs.

Recently, the standard of 103dB, established by stages, concert halls, and event organizers after approval from the Ministry of Health, has come under discussion.

Indeed, when you attend a concert or festival, it is crucial to prioritize hearing protection, as we have been advocating for 16 years. Wearing earplugs reduces the sound to a safer level. However, sounds from 80dB can already be harmful. It’s no coincidence that staff working in environments with sounds above 80dB are provided with hearing protection.

But how harmful music between 80 and 120 decibels is depends on various factors. Where are you positioned relative to the speakers? How long and how often are your ears exposed to music? And do you also give your ears occasional rest?

103dB is safer when you always wear earplugs with at least 15dB attenuation.

103dB sounds fine when you opt for good music filters.

103dB can be sustained when you choose comfortable earplugs.

But more importantly: take regular breaks from loud music, avoid standing close to the speakers, and listen to signals your body gives.

Did you know:

  • All Earproof music filters are individually acoustically tested by a robot?
  • All Earproof earplugs are certified as hearing protection!

Earproof Rockit APPROVED: 17dB / one size fits all / memory foam, mesh membrane filter / good ventilation / reusable

Earproof Dance 20db & Concert 15db APPROVED: 15 or 20dB / optimal fit with 4 sizes / mesh membrane filter / good ventilation / easy to clean

We love listening to music. Why is that? When we listen to music, our brain produces dopamine. That gives a good feeling. And when we like something, we want more of it. In the case of music, maybe we turn up the volume a bit?

How loud is too loud?

I love my ears, so for the love of music and the love for ears we should give on Valentine’s day

Earproof gives two sets of earplugs for one in the webshop.

When I started the Earproof company I asked myself: “where would we be in music industry without our ears?” The answer is simple, nowhere. We need our ears to listen & consume sounds. Other important functionalities are directivity & balance. Without our ears we would not be able to walk straight up.

Up to and including the 14th of February you get two sets of earplugs for the price of one using couponcode two4one. This discount works on all our eaplugs like Rockits, Dance & Concert and PRO filters (black and platinum).

This is the day you show your love to your loved ones. What is a better gift than flowers or chocolate? Yes reusable earplugs with the higest audio-quality!

Snoring partners, buzzing machines or traffic noises

Trouble sleeping? We all know it, not being able to sleep because of unwanted noises. Earproof offers 2 types of comfortable “full-block” sleep earplugs that ensure an undisturbed night’s sleep.

Foam can start to irritate and wax earplugs can fall out more easily. Your ear is very sensitive and especially when you sleep on your side, wearing earplugs can be painful.

Earproof offers 2 types of comfortable “full-block” sleep earplugs that ensure an undisturbed night’s sleep. The generic Earproof Sleep earplugs in 4 sizes and the custum made Earproof Sleeper.

Earproof Sleeper

  • custum made earplug
  • soft and light material
  • full block
  • easy to clean
  • pouch included
  • in different colors and transparant
  • price: 119 euro

Send us an email at [email protected] so we can make an appointment at our Rotterdam office or a location of your own choise in The Netherlands (35 euro’s)

The Earproof sleep earplugs

  • in 4 sizes (S, M, L, XL)
  • Made of soft comfortable medical TPE
  • full block
  • Reusable
  • easy to clean
  • container included
  • price: 9,95 euro

We delivery size M & L because they fit most people. Check our specifications if you have doubts.

How to choose the correct decibels for your earplugs?

Earproof offers filters with attenuation ranging from 10 to 25db.

Lots of people find it difficult to choose the correct attenuation.

Understandable, because what should you take into account and what are the consequences of 5db more or less? We described various common situations that fit certain attenuations. But still your personal situation is leading, your hearingcurve and hearing threshold can have an impact. Just like your preferred type of music or party habits.

Did you know that you hear music BETTER with filters?

Most people believe that earplugs are primarily used to protect the hearing. But filters reduce the pressure on your eardrums making it easier for them to move. Of course this only works when you have high-quality music filters with a flat attenuation on the whole frequency.

A third advantage of using earplugs in loud sound environments is that you can keep your concentration because loud sounds make you tired.

The main characters of Earproof, the 10, 15, 20 and 25db filters, are each described in the below piece

Hopefully this makes choosing the right attenuation easier. Base your filter on your main activity(s). If they differ too much, consider buying 2 sets of filters. You can exchange the filters in all Earproof earplugs.

If you’re still unsure, call or e-mail us or come to the office where you can test the various filters LIVE.

10db filters 


listening to acoustic music without concessions on audio quality

(background)noise where you want to have some attenuation while talking and listening are your main activity

for people with sensitive hearing


acoustic musicians and vocalists, teachers

jobs like

teachers, for example indoor sports, dentists, flight attendants


acoustic performances, a restaurant with very bad acoustic, theater or cinema


10db is no certified hearing protection!

takes down approximate 10db of the original sound

15db filters 


for amplified sound environments where you also want to communicate


DJ’s who preform 2-3 hours and need to be aware of the sound pressure

for onstage playing with your amplified instrument in a band

jobs like

production people who use a porto-adaptor for communication


concert, theater or cinema with amplified sounds


the minimum hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period of 2-3 hours

mainly in the back of a venue or relative far from the music installations. or an outdoor event

reduces approximately 15db of the original sound

20db filters 


most used protection for loud music, hearing people is still possible but talking gets more difficult from this attenuation and upwards


for drummers, dancers and other live performing artists who are used to wear hearing-protection


dancing a whole night on dance music, listening to many performances a day on a festival


standard hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period of max 5-6 hours

mainly in the middle of a venue or to the music installations

reduces approximately 20db of the original sound

25db filters 


this attenuation gives you maximal protection with an optimal audio experience

an option for people with damaged ears like tinnitus

jobs like

production workers and horeca staff who need to be concentrated over the whole evening

painters, builders and other professions which are daily exposed to loud sounds, it will maintain their hearing over the years and they are still able to hear the radio


front row ravers, concerts of heavy metal & hardstyle


high hearing protection for music that reaches the limit of 103db (on average)

for a period up to 8 hours

some standing in the front near the box. Or small venues with poor music installations

reduces approximately 25db of the original sound

Read more on How loud is to loud.

Thank you

Like all, we are stunned about the current situation and we like to state that we miss you: clients, artists & fans. All of you are very important for Earproof, we love to advise and help you to protect your hearing in the best way possible. Also, we like to speak out and say THANK YOU to our partners, to be so helpful, the support we get is great!

Our wish is that this is all behind us. Every day we burn a candle and hope for the best. We also have our fears, but our positive inner voice tells us that we have to be confident and believe that this is a pause/reset that gives us time to reflect on our lives. Who are we, what are we doing, and do we try to make the difference in our work, private & social lives?

What is our contribution to this world? We educate our clients on topics like hearing protection, acoustics & reflections of sound, how to use your ears & maintain a healthy hearing for the future. Health, a very big word nowadays, not taking it for granted and so fragile. To everybody out there, we would like to say, keep the faith, stay positive & thanks for being a friend.

We like to see you all soon at one of those legendary events somewhere in the world.

Team Earproof

Most people don’t know how precious their ears are. Most of the time we have to experience a lasting beep in our ears after a night out dancing before we think of protecting them. That is why we have our special campaign saving 10 million ears. You get a 10% discount when you order a set of Earproof earplugs (code 10million). One for you and one for your friend!

How to take care of your ears

We brush our teeth daily, we protect our skin when we go out in the sun, but how should we take care of our ears?

In any case do not use a Q-tip to remove the excess earwax from your ear canal. 

With the use of a Q-tip, you will only push the excess earwax further into the ear and clog the ear. The wax can even get stuck to the eardrum which will cause the eardrum to stop shaking and reduce your hearing.

Plastic Q-tips are also very bad for our environment as this beautiful picture of a seahorse clinging to a pink Q-tip shows us.

When you have to much earwax we advise you to make an appointment with an ENT Doctor (Ear Nose Throat doctor).

They will give you an ear shower with a microscope, this is the safest way to have your ears cleaned. The air pressured cleaning method your personal doctor uses is not recommended because it gives too much pressure to your eardrums. Ask your doctor for a referral to see an ENT specialist, so they can safely and properly clean your ears. In the meantime, you can remove excess earwax with your pinky finger. However, keep in mind that a small amount of earwax is actually a good thing. It protects your ear from water, bacteria, dust, and dirt.